How to Become a World Class Engineer
I’ve put a lot of thought into what separates “world class engineers”. Part of the reason is because I spend so much time hiring and building teams, but part of it is just my general curiosity around how I can improve myself. Knowing which attributes are important to build up lets me self-analyze and find…
Demystifying the Performance Review Process
For many people, the review process can be mysterious and intimidating. I hope this article can shed some light on what can seem like an opaque process. What are Performance Reviews? The first question is what exactly counts as a performance review? Every company will do things differently, but in general, performance reviews are the…
New Manager Guide
Making the transition from individual contributor to manager can be difficult. This guide is for first time people managers, but also might be helpful for those who are changing to a new team. Prepare It’s always good to go in with a plan. Sometimes you are aiming for a manager role for months or years,…
The Inner Workings of the Software Engineering Interview
An inside look at the software engineering interview and tips for how navigate excel at it.
Preparing for the Software Engineering Interview
Software engineering interviews can be tough, especially at large companies. As someone who has interviewed many places, and conducted even more, I’d like to share some of my strategies going from starting the job hunt through the offer stage. Another article will cover resume building and the actual content of an interview.
How to Pick an Amazing Software Engineering Company to Work For.
One of the most important decisions you can make is what type of company to work for. The company you work for doesn’t just affect your work life, but also the stress (or pleasure) you derive from work, which will affect your personal life as well. Before we get started, I want to caveat this…
How to deal with Layoffs
At the time of this writing the economy in the United States is going downhill (again). All economies and companies are subject to what’s known as the business cycle where we ride the good times up until the economy eventually trends back down, which is typically every 8 to 10 years, give or take. We…
How to Get a Promotion to Accelerate Your Career Growth
Where to Start Once you’ve settled into your job and feel that you are ready for the next step, it can be hard to figure out what to do next to get a promotion to advance your career. The advice I’m going to give here is about the steps to take regardless of level,…
About Software Engineering Career Stages
Overview One of the parts of having a successful Software Engineering career is knowing the different career stages. Each company is different (particularly when you consider the size of the company) but most of them follow a similar pattern that I will guide you through. As you make your way through your career, you can…